Emergency Roof Repair

Emergency Roof Repair
Roofing emergencies are not something we’d wish on anyone, but they do happen. The weather in Texas can be unpredictable and ruthless at times, leaving roofs severely damaged. If you’ve experienced a roofing emergency, you need to have repairs done as quickly as possible in order to avoid further damage to the home.
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Don’t climb up on the roof yourself.

No matter the circumstances, getting up on your roof is very risky. Now, add to that some damage and you’re looking at a treacherous area that is unpredictable and extremely dangerous. Let the professionals handle this.

Do inspect the roof from the ground.

This is a much safer viewpoint, and can provide you with vital information. Look out for any visible debris or damage and make note of it. You want to be able to communicate what you saw to the roofing company that does your inspection.

Do cover any leaking spots.

Putting up plastic coverings, such as sheeting or bags, can help to protect the interior of the home until the roof can be repaired. This will help to protect from leaks.

Do Pop that ceiling bubble to get the water out.

Yes, this may seem counterintuitive and strange, but if you don’t let it out the ceiling may collapse from the weight of the water, causing more damage to everything. In order to properly do this, poke a hole in the ceiling as soon as you notice a bubble and use a container to collect the water.

Do not be caught off guard.

With situations like these, you don’t want to be totally unprepared. No, you cannot predict that this will happen, but you can have a plan in place just in case you need to use it. Preparation is key, and hopefully that’s what you’re doing reading this right now.

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